Chapter 1: Amphibious Behavior
In this collection I was fortunate enough to go on an adventure to the Cascade Falls. This smaller set of walking trails in Saco, Maine is a great hidden gem tucked away from the busy downtown Old Orchard Beach area. Located only 3 miles away from the Old Orchard Beach pier its truly amazing you can find well maintained trails that bring you directly to a full water fall.
A long with a gorgeous view, the waterfall also creates a beautiful ecosystem crawling and swimming with life. On this adventure I was fortunate enough to have a friend with me and to find one of it’s natural inhabitants. About 100 yards down stream from the waterfall I found a green frog(Lithobates clamitan) sunbathing on the edge of the water. Taking portraits of this little guy went so well that this photogenic amphibian was comfortable enough to even let my friend’s hand reach out a mere 3 inches away from it so we could take some truly amazing wildlife photos.